WOO ! It's been almost two weeks since I last posted . Kemalasan bermaharajalela . HEHE . Banyak jugak benda nak share but then , ahh nevermind !
Last 3 days was sweetie's birthday , 21st of November 2011 . We didn't have the chance to celebrate it since I was at my hometown . I only gave him the gift on the day nak balek Kedah . Suke or tak I don't know -.-
Semoga sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki , dipanjangkan umur dan dipermudahkan segala urusan .
I wish you the very best in everything you do .
Semoga berjaya dunia dan akhirat .
I love you .
And now , I'm still dekat Kedah bercuti semester . Truth is , I miss him . He once asked me , how's life at SP ? Know what dear , when I said life is not the same without you , I really mean it . You'll never know what I have inside me , how I feel . But everything is just not the same . If I were to say that without you I'm bored , pun tak bole jugak . Because you are not someone who I only wanna be when I need someone to make me happy , to cheer me . Got it ?
Having you in life I would say , has been the best part of me . Having him right now , banyak benda lagi yang perlu difahami tentang dia . He's busy with work . Went home late . Tired . Sometimes , texting pun cara orang letih . Melayan kite pun cara orang letih jugak . We have plenty of time together . Plus , throughout my sem's break ni kan tak berpeluang nak jumpa dia . So , do I have any choices ? Kalaulaa tuan punya badan ni jenis yang nak dia ikut je kehendak kite , jenis yang cepat merajuk , berjauh haty , tak tawu laa what will happen to our relationship .
To be honest with you dear , kadang kadang memang ada rasa berjauh haty tapi bile mengenangkan a relationship itself is not about one person only , terus batalkan je rasa berjauh haty tu . Nak kena consider letih penat orang laen jugak . Nak pendam lame lame pun , lame mane laa sangat bole nak merajuk . Entahlaaa .
Bukan distance yang menjadi masalah dalam relationship , but it's us ourselves . Selalu , orang perempuan ni jenis yang cepat ada syak wasangka , lagi lagi bile berjauhan macam ni . Selalunya yang melibatkan orang ketiga laa . But then , I don't think I have that problem . So far . I trust him and I guess he trust me too .
Throughout this month , banyak pulak kementerian buat event . Weekend ni dia busy dengan event event . Nanty next month ad kursus . Masa yang ada tu sangat terhad . Anyway , just pray we'll be together till the end .
ps . He's coming this December :D
Nota kaki : I love you sayang <3