so here it goes . .
1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
Of course NOPE !
2. Smart?
smarter than me , yes .
3. Preferred age?
might be older 2 or 3 years than me
4. Preferred height?
taller than me .
5. How about sense of humor?
6. How about piercings?
absolutely NOPE and NOT ALLOWED !
7. Accepts you for who you are?
come on ! mestilaa
8. Pink hair?
sakai ke ??
9. Mushy or no?
depends .
10. Thin or fat?
humm , as long as he's taller than me .
11. Black, Brown, Yellow or White (skin color)?
which evers sexy on him
12. Long hair or short hair ?
short and kemas .
13. Plastic or metal?
metal .
14. Smells good?
allllllllllll the time :DD
15. Smoker?
i'd say no .
16. Drinker?
nak mati try laa .
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
sheesh no .
18. Muscular?
awwww ! I loike .
19. Plays piano?
wud be cool .
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
dun mind .
21. Plays violin?
no thank you .
22. Sings very well?
err is it necessary ?
23. Vain?
i duno . maybe
24. With glasses?
dun mind at all .
25. With braces?
dun mind but I prefer no .
26. Shy type?
depends .
27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
in the middle no ?
28. Active or passive?
active lah . xmaw yang macam cacat . haaha
29.tight or THE BOMB?
apadya nih -____-
30. Singer or dancer?
31. Stunner?
32. Hiphop?
dun mind .
33. Earrings?
i said no didnt i ?
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends/boyfriends-until-you-drop?
depends :) but if yes , only on one side .
36. Bookworm?
the fuck .
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
yeaaahhhh , he'll be like ssssooooooo sexy !
38. Playful?
at times
39. Flirt?
tettttttt !
40. Poem writer?
tamaw !
41. Serious?
yeahh . serious is sexy
42. Campus crush?
haahaa yeaah . nooo . both
43. Can draw?
only potraits of me and put em up on the wall . heehhaa nice
44. Religious?
eyh mestilaa ad pengetahuan agama . kalau tak macam mane . heshh*
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
tease me , yes .
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
gamers .
47. Speaks 20 languages?
no harm to me .
48. Loyal or faithful?
49. Good kisser?
gravy baby !!
50. Loves children?
yes yes yesss . itll show how a good father he'll make . ill be like sooo hell touched if the kids like him . awwww n to c them laughin together around each other , i can faint *wtf