Assalamualaikum :) Hi. Alhamdulillah hari ni puasa sempurna. Saje ambil pahala puasa Rejab and at the mean time, habiskan puasa Nazar. Almost one week masuk bulan Rejab, hari ni baru kuat iman nak puasa. hehe. Esok InsyaAllah puasa lagi. Nazar lagi 3 hari. Selalunya, puasa ni first2 je kita rasa susah, liat nak buat, tapi once dah start, kita dah terbiasa :) Semua benda permulaannya rumit kan?
Tapi ingat, manusia yang bersabar itu Allah suka, Allah sayang, Allah bagi tempat istimewa disisi DIA.
Had this during breaking-fast-time tadi. Well maybe not exactly like this, but still mine is tuna sandwich too. HAHA.
Thought I was not gonna eat again, but unfortunately, I did. For my second round food, I had a papa burger, a burger with two beef patties and two eggs. Even though it's kinda too much for my throat to swallow, and even though my perut was so full tadi, but still Alhamdulillah for the rezeki, Ya Allah :)
Oh ya! I love to watch this 706 channel, a cooking channel. Thinking to make my own burger patty(after I had been influenced by the cooking channel and of course the chef). Those patty looks yummy, well because good chef made them. haha. Tengoklaa nanty kalau rajin, I'll buy fresh meat and shape my own beef or chicken patty for my home-made burger.
Plus, nak try belaja masak makanan favourite le boyfriend. HEE. Doakan :) I love you boyfriend ♥