Friday, December 30, 2011

Its always gonna be YOU.

Assalamualaikum and Good Morning :)

Last 25th December was my 19th birthday .
Giving me 3 surprises .

To dear sayang , Si Pencuri Haty ,

Thank you for those surprises . Really , I didn't expect pun semua tu . 
My day will always be good when you're around . I don't need expensive stuff to make me happy .
 I don't need lots of money to make me love you . 

Saye terima awak apa adanya awak , bukan apa yang awak ada .
Kadang-kadang , ketidaksempurnaan awak tu lah yang menceriakan hari saye , hidup saye .
I don't need a perfect person to be with me .
I don't need a perfect YOU .

I'm happy with you .
And I hope its always gonna be YOU .
To be with me .
Till the end of my life .

Thank you for those presents .
Thank you for lighten up my life .
I appreciate the love and dedication from you to me .
And I'm sorry if I can't be the best .
But no doubt , YOU are the best love ever .

Sincerely , ME .

p/s : There's only one thing two say those three words four YOU , I love you <3